Taking A Piece Of Bread Or Ring By Dead Body

خواب میں میت سے روٹی یا انگوٹھی وغیرہ لینا یا دینا

To See A Dead Taking a Piece of Bread or A Ring From You in Dream

Death is taking something from the dreamer, or taking a morsel from his bread or food, is a bad sign. In this case, the person is dreaming about meeting death or losing his or her property soon. You should give sadka and practice good deeds to stay away from such dreams.

Mayat Ka Sahibe Khawab Key Sath Sey Roti Ka Tukra Khawa Angothi Ka Lina

Your spiritual growth will be peaceful if you practice it. Follow the right path and maintain discipline in your life and you will see the reason for everything. Our own negligence has resulted in all the obstacles we encounter. You can also view the other letters to see how your dreams are explained. In dream, if the dreamer sees that dead body is taking a piece of bread or ring from him then it is not good sign. This symbol indicated trouble in his life. It is might possible that he will face loss in the business or one of his children will die.

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